I love Sunday mornings. It is typically a day off to stay in my jammies, get caught up on food magazines, write an occasional blogpost or email blast, have a Bloody Mary and generally, chill. This is the day the Lord hath made, rejoice and be glad in it. I, obviously, rejoice in my own way.

I am rejoicing today as I had to work all last weekend at a trade show (Tulsa Women's Living Expo) but I really can't complain because I won the Celebrity Chef Cook Off. It was quite a surprise, to say the least. I think you can tell in that last goofy picture that I allowed to be taken. I have to defend my title next year but, in the meantime, long live the Queen! HAH! On a more serious note, it is more than gratifying to have your cooking recognized as "good enough" by more than family members. But back to Sunday. The sunlight really does stream in the windows in my front room and gives it such a warm feeling. The sun was very bright this morning and it made me extra happy to look upon it (how's that for poetic!). Just makes me want to stay home and admire it and so I do...most Sundays. I made perfectly poached eggs with the freshest of eggs from my boyfriend's hens. Frankly, there is nothing like seeing that almost orange yolk pour out over the toasty English muffin. No, I don't have a picture...I used to take pictures of my eggs but realized it was silly to have a photo album of nothing but poached eggs. That, in light of the fact that most of the photos I have on my phone or computer are of food or cooking classes! Speaking of cooking classes, this is the day of the week when I review the class schedule and figure out which ones I need to repeat so I don't have Mutiny on the Bounty and then new ones to add so I don't get so bored teaching the fan favorites that I want to poke a fork in my eye! Here are a few pics from the last class...Date Night for Valentines was super fun...Lobster Thermidor and Drunken Chocolate Dipped Strawberries. Wednesday, we're making and stuffing ravioli (again). It is a really good class that fills up VERY quickly so, yes, we will be repeating it in the next month or so (if you're not one of the lucky ones).

And, I will make every effort to NOT get near the forks. We'll just change up the ravioli fillings...maybe we'll make that egg yolk one. You know, the one where you nestle the raw yolk in a kind of basket of ricotta and spinach filling then cover with the top sheet of pasta. You gently boil, I would say poach, the ravioli so the yolk doesn't break. Then when you serve it, the ravioli kind of makes its own sauce. Very fun. OK, so I like making ravioli. What I REALLY like is watching the people in my class make it and revel in their abilities. Now, that's fun! You may or may not know that I self-published my first cookbook and, notice I didn't say, first and last. I will have a book signing and open house at the Kitchen this spring so stay tuned for more information. You can buy it on Amazon and I would appreciate it! It is full of favorite recipes from past classes and from my family (read, my mom). Here's a picture...it's on Amazon!

I found a quote this morning as I was catching up on my food reading. It's from Tim Ferriss, he's one of those new entrepreneurial types, but very interesting and the book I got as a Christmas gift is called,
The Four Hour Chef. So my new favorite quote is: "You don't need more recipes, you need to learn to cook without them." My theory entirely, in spite of having just written this cookbook. Take my recipes and make them your own...then, you really won't need them! Happy Cooking!!