The garden is back! I was going to say "in da house" but that would be kinda stupid so TA DA!! Yesterday, Kornell (for those of you who don't know, he's my guy and the reason I have such a beautiful vegetable patch) and I went out to see the Tomato Man's Daughter and I absolutely controlled myself...only bought 8 plants compared to last year's attempt at 14! Aren't you proud of me? Lisa (the daughter) is super knowledgeable and can recommend the right plant for the right purpose so I am really excited. Combine that with the amount of love she showers over these beauties and it's a no-fail situation. That is, if I can keep the dang critters out of the beds! I included one picture where you can see the footprints or digging or free-for-all that somebody was having last night after we finished putting everything into the ground. ARGHHH!!

You've got to love that sage! Can you believe it?! Talk about beleaguered during last summer! I held out no hope of seeing anything like that but sage is a hardy perennial obviously...standing in good stead next to it is last year's rosemary. I really cut it back a lot at the end of last summer so I'm anticipating that it will go ca-razy this year. And, I was reminded that it does help to water it.
I do have some tarragon, thyme and chives started from seed...we'll see what those will do. So tales from the vegetable garden begin this weekend. look for blog updates weekly interspersed with as much wit and wisdom as I can muster in between. Next week, I'll give you the rundown on Thursday's Blank Canvas competition. Think happy thoughts...I really want to win!!
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